Digital Era Appeared as an Ideal Hub For Innovations in the Digital Health Sphere

Modern Technology brings out so many innovations with the passing days. It not only facilitates but also has taken the place of previously used methods. Likewise, change in the clinical trial method also urged others to learn new technology and to implement it in their areas to bring out system modifications.

India has recently introduced this new innovative method of a clinical trial that turned out to be a game changer.

Statement Of Edwin Ng About Clinical Trials

Edwin Ng appreciated the importance of clinical trials and encouraged new ways of clinical trials. India has increasing potential in the digital health sphere. It has switched from traditional examination to telemedicine using modern technology. India has adopted a revolutionary change in the medical sector since Covid-19.

Edwin Ng COVID-19 highlighted the vital importance of clinical trials for drug and vaccine development. Still, it has also spurred India's pharmaceutical and healthcare companies to reevaluate how these trials are run.

India Stepped Towards a Modified Clinical Trial

Since covid-19 and the pandemic, telehealthcare has accelerated in India. Doctors remotely monitor the patient's health, especially chronic diseases that need an immediate specialist consultation, like bronchial asthma, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus.

The clinical trial centers use apps, sensors, and wearable technology to teach health issues. These indicators help to sense respiratory rate, sleeping pattern, blood pressure, and heart rate. Switching from traditional methods to using technology lets doctors monitor their patients 24/7.

Key Fact Behind Decentralized Clinical Trials

The pandemic and lockdown have turned physical sites and clinical services into a cloud network. It has many advancements, such as greater engagement, access, and increased development of drugs and vaccines. India is a fast-growing clinical hub with its interoperating services and acceptance of modern technology.

The clinics and medical services are decentralized to ensure customers' health remotely in this pandemic condition. By 2020, India's cynical trial industry holds an 8.3% share of Global trial activities, which otherwise was 6.2% before covid.

Statistics of Growth of the Telehealth Industry in India

According to Neeraj Lal, Chief operating officer of Apollo hospital, Ahmedabad: Since covid, the visible growth of telehealth in India is 47% which otherwise captures only 5% of the overall IT market. For this, doctors and hospitals have also adopted telehealth and technology in their field. According to a survey by Fortune business insight, India's current potential in telemedicine of USD 79.79 billion in 2020 will rise to USD 396.76 billion by 2027.

Moreover, according to a study conducted by Deloitte, India is expected to have 1 billion smartphone users by 2026. With its 5G technology, Digital India has massive initiatives to make India an ideal hub for innovations.

Introducing eConsent Systems and Patient Portals

eConsent lets the patient acquire all the information relating to trials at a time and approve the procedure using eSignature. This has made the enrollment process much easier. They have collaborated with sites, sponsors, and CROs to understand the consenting process and patient enrollment.

Even before covid visiting doctors and facing city traffic were big obstacles for patients. Hence, switching to decentralized clinical practice is a huge breakthrough with potential benefits. For this, patients' willingness is the biggest breakthrough to adopt modern technology and new healthcare methods. This lets the patients stay connected to the clinical trials on their smartphones and devices rather than allocating a new device to their daily routine.

Drawbacks of the Decentralized Clinical Trial Method

In central clinics, face-to-face conversation with patients is the key to locating the issue. However, in decentralized clinics, doctors have to take care that the patient is convenient and maintain a professional relationship with the patient throughout the session. For this, the patient's devices and the lab devices must be connected to ensure interoperability.

Covid-19 has changed the world's view of clinical approach. It has enhanced centricity, engagement, access, and timestreams. India is still streamlined on the path of development of health care and has the potential to lead this field in the future.

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